Monday, July 1, 2013

Power, Coffee and DIA

Life is a Journey - Today’s theme is "This is happening the way its supposed to”.

So…. I woke up at 2am and realized it was dark, and getting a little hot. Then I realized the power was off. CRAP. I have to be up at 5am to catch a 6am shuttle to DIA I think with a moment of panic! Calm down I tell myself, the phone (alarm clock) should be charged and it will go off on time; I won’t be late or miss my flight.

I wake up at 5am (on schedule) and CRAP – the power is STILL out! Well, at least I packed everything last night, and all I have to do is put on clothes, contacts and make up. Guess I can get coffee at Starbucks before I get on the shuttle, it will be okay. I look out the window, the neighbors lights are now on, maybe I have power? I thought I heard something… YAY!!! I have lights AND coffee!! I reaffirm that today is going as planned, and everything is working out the way its supposed to.

I make it out the door with minutes to spare, and somehow get my suitcase into the truck. Did I mention that my suitcase weighs a TON, and my right shoulder is injured? I was wishing that John was home to heft it into the truck for me (he is so good about 'lifting heavy things') but I managed.
Off to the Arvada A-Line shuttle, just in time to load. As I am standing outside of the shuttle, I hear someone calling my name from inside the shuttle.. What? Who could that possibly be, it's 6am for heaven sake! I peer around the door, and who is in the front seat but Suzi Cameron, my new Restorative Yoga instructor! We both squeal in delight (I am sure to the annoyance of the other passengers). It's not like we are young ladies either! Again, what a coincidence (or is it just
things going as planned?)
On the trip to DIA, we have a lively conversation about the studio, her class starting next week, and our goals and dreams for a 'different' approach to fitness. As we near the airport, a lady seated behind us asks if we offer programs for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Yes, yes we do! In fact, Suzi's yoga class would be a perfect place to start! I hand her a business card, and ask her to contact us after she  returns from her trip. HUH - The Universe at work again!
We arrive, and go our separate ways. It looks like Suzie and our new friend are going the same direction; another opportunity to make that connection. I find my airline counter - its crowded. Who are all these people AND their children!! *sigh* I wait in line, its not as bad as I imagined - the airline staff is efficient and friendly. Here is the catch - my flight from Denver is delayed - by OVER 2 hours. UGH. So why did I get up so early? Oh yes, so I could chat with Suzi on the shuttle. Okay, take it in stride, no need to hurry, and plenty of time for reflection at DIA.
I get through check-in, security, and onto the terminal. Now what? Take a seat my friend, and wait. Time to drink water, eat something and enjoy some time to read. Maybe chat with someone new? The possibilities are endless, and today is happening the way its supposed to.
I am not sitting at my gate (a LOONG way from the restroom, and food) but the first chair that looked inviting. I look up from my reading to see an older gentleman wandering around with his iPad (he says looking for wifi). He sits down by me, we start talking.
He currently lives in the Philippines, and teaches Biology at a local school. How interesting! As we get to know each other, I find out he has had many jobs (starting with a PhD in Biology) and this is his retirement home. How cool is that!

Its time to check on the flight - yep, still delayed. I wander down to the gate and see a crowd of people waiting.... The board shows a flight leaving a little earlier, I wonder if I can get on that flight? (It never hurts to ask right?) The answer is no, but I find out that the plane I am scheduled to leave on is the SAME plane that will take me all the way to Orlando - via Charlotte, NC. Well! That's a nice surprise! I don't need to worry about lost luggage..  Still feeling like today is going well, and all is happening as planned.

On the plane and off to Charlotte NC for a short layover. When I arrive, I literally walk across the aisle and get on another plane. Okay, this is working out well, except what's going to happen with my luggage? This IS another plane, not the same plane.... Guess we will see...

I find my seat, and *groan* - I am seated next to a woman, her young daughter (around 6 or so) AND her 6 week old baby... I am wondering how well THIS is going to go, babies and planes... My good luck held out, and both the young child and the baby were well behaved during the flight. THANK GOD...

Arrive in Orlando, ready to be off an airplane and away from the airport and all these people. But - where is my suitcase? Did it make it onto the plane? I wait... and wait... and wait... No suitcase. When I check with the Baggage claim people, they tell me it was on a later flight. I am tired, hungry and at the end of a stressful day. The good news (as this day has been going) is that they will deliver my suitcase to the hotel. Again, I am relieved that it has worked out. I can live without my suitcase overnight, and get the morning off to a good start.

To finish up the evening; the hotel is beautiful and I found Pam, wine and dinner. Until tomorrow..

1 comment:

  1. Sandra, great that you are doing a blog about your trip. Will you continue it when you get back home? Hope you have an awesome time!!!!
