Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Orlando Epcot Center, and the rain

After a somewhat restless night of sleep (its tough sleeping in a strange bed with someone you have never shared a small space with) I am up and ready to face the day...
There are 4 of us in a room sharing two beds - Pam, Michelle (her cousin), Kay (her daughter) and me. How do we get all of us up and moving and not cause chaos? More important - WHERE is the coffee??

Coffee located, people gathered and out the door for breakfast! Look! Its only 9am! Great, we have the rest of a beautiful day ahead of us.

Its Sunday morning, we wander down to one of the restaurants in the hotel. Breakfast looks good, and we have Disney characters to entertain us while we eat! No really, Pluto, Goofy and the Chipmunks are wandering around the dining room taking pictures, and signing autographs.

Though I am not a big fan of people dressed up in animal costumes with LARGE heads, it was fun for a minute. Kay (Pam's daughter) was having fun until the Chipmunks came out; they scared her. Its odd what scares people...
I learned something new today. It rains in Florida. In July. A LOT.. Okay, I knew it rained, but really? EVERY HOUR all afternoon? WTF!!! Its not like its not already humid (my hair looks more like some kind of exotic flower than the cute hair I left home with) but I didn't expect to be breathing water.

We visited the Epcot Center - Interesting but not exciting.... Not sure what all the fuss was about. The fun part - we bought mouse ears, and took fun pictures. :)

I made Pam laugh so hard she was crying - it was purely an accident. We were messing around with taking a picture, the challenge was to put our fingers in front of our face (like V fingers) and take a picture. Well, as I was trying to get a good place (and hold the camera and take the picture) I accidently put my V fingers in the wrong place... Just sayin'....

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