Wednesday, July 3, 2013

and - its STILL raining!

Its Tuesday (I think) and its STILL raining... Did I mention its raining? I guess I am glad that our activities are mostly inside, however I would like a little time beside the pool, just because I did buy a bathing suit...

Last night was a great restaurant with a nice prime rib, asparagus, and mashed potatoes. Not my usual fare of chicken or fish made by my wonderful husband, but delicious! Thank god for veggies and salad! Just saying....

This morning started out with coffee and something that resembled breakfast, though not what I normally eat for breakfast. Where is the egg whites and steel cut oats? Okay, maybe something other than bagels and yogurt??? *sigh* 

Off to the fitness room for  a good morning warm up. It felt great yesterday to get some stress out, and work those muscles I am 'relaxing'. I know, you wonder why I would go work out on vacation, when that is what I do for a living.. Well, its like a good habit. I miss it when I don't work out, and its an excellent way to relax.

I found a way to do my hair that looks cute (I think, what do you think?) that will work for this humidity.
*Have you ever noticed that taking a self portrait doesn't always work out well? I seem to make strange faces... *

Today was spend at the StarPower dance competition with 10 MILLION little kids and their parents and siblings.. UGH..... Although I wanted to go watch Kay dance (Pam's daughter), I guess I didn't think about the amount of people and children that would be attending..

Did I mention that I am NOT a kid person? I really like little old ladies, children make me twitchy after a while. So, I spend most of my afternoon and evening at the dance competition. By about 7pm (5 hours later) I had had enough. A baby started screaming (he was tired and probably done with the noise level too)  and that was the END.  TIME TO GO....

The evening ended with finding a restaurant that serves Ahi Tuna burgers (YUM) and a glass of wine..


  1. Sounds like you are having a great time. Forgot that you don't normally have to deal with humidity - welcome to the south!

  2. Thanks! I forget what humidity does to my hair now - Colorado is so dry...
