Thursday, January 2, 2014

And So It Begins....

I have had this crazy idea in my head for a while, and I decided that 2014 would be the year to set my goals, make a commitment and go for it.
I am 47 years old, and a fitness professional. I haven't always been a pro, for many years I was just an enthusiast, whether that meant working out regularly, or just thinking I SHOULD while sitting on the couch and working out occasionally. That lead to a sedentary lifestyle (with a little exercise, and a lot of overeating!).  I was overweight, (195 lbs) and though I was 'healthy' I was headed down a steep path towards being 'unhealthy'.
Over 4 years ago, I decided to change my life, quit a well paying job and pursue a dream. Here we are now - at 153.5 lbs (as of today) and a 'healthy" BMI (calculate your BMI here).

I workout at a gym that has a lot of VERY fit people, and many of them are fitness competitors. I am inspired, motivated and above all IN LOVE with my gym! Its not for everyone, however I call it home. I have always wanted to compete, just never thought I could do it. Well - here it goes!

With this blog, I am going to document my journey from a 'healthy' weight, to being the best I can be. Its a personal journey, please be kind. This isn't for you to judge or critique, just my way of keeping myself honest. If you find inspiration here, please feel free to share your thoughts with me.
I will continue to add to this as things change with pictures and thoughts detailing my journey.
The pictures were hard to post, I am not happy with what I see, however we are always our own worst critic.
And so it begins...
Body weight 153.5
BMI 24.0
Body Fat percentage 22.4%
Arm 11"
Chest 34"
Waist 32"
Hips 39"
Upper Leg 20.5 "

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