Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The NPC (National Physique Committe)

So what is this 'thing' called body building?

In this excerpt, I am going to talk about the governing agencies for this sport, and briefly describe the women's divisions only (not to leave out the men, but to keep it short and sweet).

Lets start with the NPC. From their website: "The National Physique Committee is the premier amateur physique organization in the world. Since 1982, the top athletes in bodybuilding, fitness, figure, bikini and physique have started their careers in the NPC. Many of those athletes graduated to successful careers in the IFBB Professional League, a list that includes 24 Olympia and 38 Arnold Classic winners." Read more here.

In order to compete in a NPC sponsored competition, you must join the NPC and receive a card. This is a yearly process, and allows you to compete in as many (or as few) competitions as you wish.

Once you have your card, you can choose a show to enter. These are held all over the United States.
You submit an application requesting the division and class you wish to enter, and send in your money.

Then the fun begins!!

In the next update, I will describe each women's division, and classes within each division.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Update - and so it begins

Well, It seems that I have somehow lost almost 6 months between blogs, and here I am 12 weeks out from one of the most exciting things I have ever done!

I have decided to enter a physique competition. The date is August 23rd the show is called the Warrior Classic. 

I realized that many of you may of heard of body building, but don't know the first thing about it besides what you have heard from friends, or seen on TV/internet.

My hope is to educate and entertain you as I progress along my journey towards the stage in August.
I am currently 12 weeks out from my goal, and the diet part has begun.

Before I delve into that 4 letter word "DIET" lets talk about background on what this is about!

Each blog post will include some information about different parts of this adventure - please feel free to post questions on ANY forum you wish, or email me privately.

All I ask is that you respect the hard work, time and effort that goes into this process.